Friday, October 25, 2019

A new "How Google Search Works" video

I don't often blog about new YouTube videos, but when I do, there's a reason.
After showing the long-lived and beloved Matt Cutts video "How Search Works," Google has finally released a few version of that brilliant explanatory video.
So, this here's my Public Service Announcement for teachers who teach search research skills or information literacy more generally.
Worth a view if you're looking for a 5 minute summary of how Google search works (at least as of 2019).
(Link to the video for use in your classes: )

Search on!


  1. Good Morning, Dr. Russell

    Thanks for sharing the video. Just seconds before visiting your blog, checked my Discover Google feed and the video was part of it. I wanted to save it but couldn't found a way nor could see if it was made by you, Google or other (that is, in which Channel is to share it and re-watch). Now, I know. Thanks!

    1. Google BERT: Understanding searches better than ever before

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