Bats are mysterious...
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Greater mouse-eared bat (Myotis myotis) P/C C. Robillier, from Wikimedia. |
... creatures of the night, and you have to admit they have a real PR problem--vampires, high-pitched squeaky noises, their long association with dead things.
But they are fascinating, and these questions drove a lot of comments this week. Thanks for all the things you found and for sharing with the SRS community. (Who knew? South American bats that hibernate in snow banks? Amazing.)
This week's Challenge is another in our end of year series of Challenges that are not-too-hard-but-fun.
I've been curious about bats for a while and have always wondered a couple of things. Can we find the answers to these curious questions?
Here's what we asked and what we learned...
1. Why do bats hang upside down when they sleep? (It seems like a terrible idea to hang by your feet, so what drove them to adopt this unique sleeping posture?)
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Fruit bat in tree in typical roosting posture. P/C |
One of the biggest changes to Google in the past few years has been the ability to handle questions in a natural language form. As longtime SRS readers will recall, once upon a time, you had to really think long and hard about what the exact search terms should be in order to elicit just the right response. Now, more often than not, you can just ask the question.
Knowing this, my first query was:
[ why does a bat hang upside down ]
That gives me some pretty decent results including a post at La Trobe University (Australia), and another at Mental Floss (a rewrite of a Quora post) telling us that it's simpler for a bat to start flying if it drops down from its heads-down roost and gets a bit of velocity just by letting go. This post also points to a longer, evolutionary story about why bats got to be that way. If you want the original reference, see: Fossil Evidence and the Origin of Bats in the Journal of Mammalian Evolution, Vol. 12, Nos. 1/2, June 2005. This paper points out that bats were originally gliding mammals (much like flying squirrels) that would hang from the underside of branches. You can see how that might easily turn into an overnight sleeping posture. And once you're sleeping upside down, the falling into the air trick is easy to evolve.
The original post also mentions some bats that sleep head-up, usually in leaves, where they have evolved octopus-like suckers on their feet to hold onto the leaves. And these bats typically sleep in a heads-up pose. So how do they get launched? They slide out of their leafy tube-houses and then fall to earth.
So, why do they sleep like that? Because it's simpler to become airborne!
2. I'm not really a bat-ologist (that is, a chiropterologist), but I've seen many different kinds of bat in my travels and that makes me wonder: Just how many different kinds of bat species are there?
Let's try that same approach (asking the obvious question):
[ how many different kinds of bat species are there ]
which gives a reasonably authoritative answer and a few good links.
I opened up a bunch of other link in the top 10 results from my previous search, and found that they're all fairly similar. I kept reading that the estimate of species is always "more than 1,400" or "around 1,200." But I'd like to find a source with obvious credibility on the worldwide bat situation. (I mean, I believe the Department of Interior, but they might not count all of the bat species worldwide.)
So I re-did my query using more precise language:
[ species of Chiroptera ]
in the hopes of finding more scholastic and accurate results. Take a look at these results and check out where they're from:
The first result is from the AnimalDiversityWeb (which claims there are 925 bat species), the next is the Wikipedia article on bats claims over 1,400 bat species, but without any citation, while the Wikipedia article "List of bats" claims "estimated 1,300 species." Other hits include ScienceDirect (claims 986 bat species), BBC Science Focus ("more than 1,200), and the University of California Paleontology (UCMP) (claims "nearly 1,000 species"). That's a pretty big range of answers (from 925 - 1400)! How do we get some consensus?
Maybe we need some higher quality resources. Looking in Google Scholar for
[ chiroptera ]
I find a few hits:
Farina, Lisa L., and Julia S. Lankton. "Chiroptera." Pathology of Wildlife and Zoo Animals. Academic Press, 2018. 607-633. (in the text:"over 1300 identified", however, oddly, the abstract says "over 1200"... someone needs a proofreader).
Buckles, Elizabeth L. "Chiroptera (bats)" Fowler's Zoo and Wild Animal Medicine, Volume 8 (2015): 281. ("1240 species")
And so on. When I did a search for:
[ list of bat species ]
I found a book chapter which seems pretty definitive. Order Chiroptera, by Nancy Simmons, is in the book Mammal species of the world: a taxonomic and geographic reference 1 (2005): 312-529. This text, which many refer to as the master list of mammals, has a long list of bats (1,242 to be precise). It is the standard reference work in mammalogy giving descriptions and bibliographic data for the known species of mammals
There's a small problem: It's from 2005. And, as we know, species numbers change over time. Some of these are new species discovered in the last decade, but many were previously considered to be subspecies of other taxa. Species merge and split as we change what we consider a species. This isn't a sign of a problem, but rather an indication that we're learning more and more as time passes.
So I'm willing to settle for "more than 1,200" species, but I need a bit more data to go with the unfounded assertion that there are 1,400 species, as Google proudly proclaims (having extracted that number from the Dept. of Interior's bat page, which points to the Bat Week web page, which doesn't say where they got that number). Since that's unattributed, I feel better going with "more than 1,200" since I have a list of 1,242 bats by name!
3. We know many bats eat bugs, and some bats drink blood (vampire bats), and some eat fruit (fruit bats)... but what eats bats? Do they have any natural predators? (Let's exclude humans for the purposes of this discussion. As we know, humans will eat just about anything.)
For this I went with another question:
[ what eats bats ]
which takes us back to the Dept. of Interior page. That page in turn says "Bats have few natural predators — disease is one of the biggest threats. Owls, hawks and snakes eat bats, but that’s nothing compared to the millions of bats dying from white-nose syndrome." That sadly true, but our Challenge is about direct predation--what other animals eat bats?
Digging a little deeper into the SERP for this question and we'll that find minks, weasels and raccoons also eat bats. As with the previous Challenge, the question query format is good for a kind of surface level understanding of the question, but not the details.
How to dig deeper? Answer: By using a bit more precise language. What's a synonym for "something that eats another organism"? How about predation or predator?
Rephrase my query as:
[ bats predator ]
which quickly led me to an article titled Do predators influence the behaviour of bats? Lima, Steven L., and Joy M. O'Keefe. Biological Reviews 88.3 (2013): 626-644. (Unfortunately behind a paywall, but I was able to see it with my university login.)
In this article I learned that bats are eaten by all the creatures we saw above, but ALSO eaten by bat hawks (Macheiramphus alcinus) of the Old World tropics, and bat falcons (Falco rufigularis) of the New World tropics. Alligators also sometimes snatch bats from the air, and I also learned that "trawling bats" (that is, bats that fly very close to the water in search of stranded insects) are often captured by large fish and frogs!
Curious about this (a fish catching a bat?), I searched for a video with [ fish catching bat ] and found this one from NatGeo that shows both a bat catching a fish, and a fish catching a bat!
This made me wonder what other kinds of "X eats Y" kinds of bat-eating behaviors we could find. So my next query was:
SearchResearch Lessons
So many things to point out this week.
1. Even simple questions might need careful clarification. You'd think "how many species of bats are there" would be pretty straightforward. But as we found out, the number varies by when you check your sources. Believe it or not, biologists are still finding new bat species and re-organizing the old ones. Species split ("oh look! we DNA-sequenced these bats and find that they're NOT the same!"), species merge ("oh look! these two bats that look different are really the same!"). My general advice: Look for a master list of species and count THAT. Biologists love to make taxonomic lists of things, and that's probably the best resource for such a question. Just realize the answer might change over time.
2. If you have a specific term (Chiroptera), use it. Your searches will be much more focused than simply using a word like "bat." One doesn't use specific language to sound academic or smart, but simply because it's more precise, meaning you won't have to look around through low-quality results.
3. Remember the fill-in-the-blank ( * ) operator. It's a great way to expand your searches and find additional items you seek.
Search on!
It was a very interesting Challenge about an animal that we don't usually like or understand. Therefore, it was a surprise to find new data
ReplyDeleteTried [Nancy Simmons bats 2020] I used 2020 because 2022 is not over yet
Also found her Twitter. There, searched from:her number of species. No results. Removed and searched from her with number
In 27 January, 2022, she said: Today's total number of recognized bat species in the world = 1456 species
Two comments:
ReplyDelete1) Bats may have a PR problem (especially given the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic), but you have to admit that Batman is popular. And vampires are, too.
2) Back in 2007, when I was in Tanzania, a bat flew into my house and was there for a day or two: It was quiet during the day, but flew around rapidly at night (I could hear its wings flapping), plus I remember it having a squeaking sound (kind of like a mouse, only louder).
Regardless, sorry I missed this challenge and the last one. It sounded really interesting, plus it was a good review of the wildcard operator (which I did not realize could go inside quotes).
Good luck with your class, and happy Thanksgiving.
*something to digest over Thanksgiving… need to take plenty of fluids…
ReplyDeletedarn computers
Jiajie Chen, Thomas Y. Hou
alts while digesting fluids
a fluid situation - you never know
via starlink?
rescues & a bat collider*
I hope this doesn’t get me voted off the island –
ReplyDeleteOn a previous challenge we were strongly advised to get our spelling right. Good advice. A few days ago I wanted to look up something from a long ago challenge on finding recipes. I remembered a reference that had been made to a particular cookbook so I searched
[ bittman]
and got no match. Hmmm… that’s strange. I must have misremembered. I did remember something about a strawberry dessert so I tried
[ strawberry dessert]
and was taken back to exactly the challenge I wanted in January 2021 (actually before my time).
Then I saw the problem. On that challenge was the phrase “such as Mark Bitman’s excellent collection”. I see that book almost daily and the author's name is spelled with a double t.
[ bitman] did get a match, but of course is incorrect.
No voting off the island here!
DeleteSmart move, to use an alternative search query [ site:SRS strawberry dessert ] and get to where you wanted. Deeper point: Spelling correction is good, but if the typo one makes is another legit spelling, it's hard to know that it's a typo.
You make a good point--I sometimes make typos as well. Thanks for letting me know. I'll go fix that up! (There's an error somewhere on the internet!)
…I always thought of it as a peninsula — or maybe a sand spit… or a bogofsorts…
Deleterecipe sRs - Tuesday, January 26, 2021
"this week it’s porcini mushrooms (got a great deal at the Farmer’s Market!), but next week it could be broccolini, kohlrabi, or maybe we’re just looking for new ideas for strawberry desserts." found using cmd-f
the SERP I used - oddly when I used [search research blog strawberry dessert] the blog link didn't turn up… space, or non-space
makes a difference…
searchresearch seemed to make a difference
other fruit of the search…
straw_berry SERP
the strawberry/dung beetle nexus… absurd,yet sensemaking
"In fact, in relation to its size the dung beetle is not only the world's strongest insect – it's the world's strongest animal! When moving balls of dung, a roller can pull a whopping 1,141 times its own bodyweight – that's the same as a human dragging six full double-decker busses* along a road!"
Ginger or Mary Ann?
island girls… on Mulligan’s Island ;^] /|\ ^._.^ /|\
busses - time can be a factor too
another option - especially if you know a year or month or topic - go through the blog archive… see Jan, '21 - blogger seems to have revamped the display…
Deleteoff topic, but regarding writ… blocked again
the entire study
wiki writer's block
Hadn't seen that one before. Nice find, remmij. (Or is it a non-find?) In any case, it had me laughing.
DeleteI have rarely had success with [searchresearch whatever-I want] and have always used the[] option. I also use the Blog Archive on the bottom right if I have some sense of timing. I’ve only been with this group since 2021. I’ve reviewed a lot of the older posts but can’t put them in a chronological context.
DeleteOmitting the “site:” seems to work sometimes.
[allrecipes cheese scones] was on target and [mary berry chocolate] went right to the lady’s web site with all its sinful delights.
can't live in the past, but good to review with different eyes…
ReplyDeletelooking at the achieve — a virtual crawl down anamnesis (are there AI microbes?)
from the 2021 review:
"My favorite Challenge of the year was the Challenge about "creatures in other creatures," led me on a reading spree about modern endosymbionts, which has been endlessly engaging. I had absolutely no idea what a wonderful can of worms I'd opened up with that Challenge... which is why I enjoy writing SRS so much--it's not just the searches, it's the joy one finds in learning about the world.
(For the record: If endosymbiosis also interests you, I highly recommend Ed Yong's book, I Contain Multitudes. What an excellent holiday book gift idea for the terminally curious. It's one of the very few books I've read twice in one year.)D.R."
myspy - liked the image mashup
I do remember that retrospective and appreciated it. It is really helpful for someone like me who can then browse the challenges and decide which ones to investigate. I didn’t notice anything like that for previous years but think it would be useful to readers to continue it. I also have to point out that I am still anxiously awaiting the closed form solution to the “time and date from a shadow” problem.
ReplyDeleteI did gift the Ed Yong book to someone who never finished it but is passing it on to me so that is now in my reading queue.
"3. Remember the fill-in-the-blank ( * ) operator. It's a great way to expand your searches and find additional items you seek – or not"
ReplyDelete– tried the "* eats bat" asterisk placeholder search… unsavory video tops the SERP…
one version from TMZ — killed many of my remaining brain/neuro cells - saw there was a TikTok version* too
would this be proof that the internet is not raising intellect levels?
not even Bachan's Japanese Barbecue Sauce or Stubb's would make that palatable… (or red curry)
bat emoticon - /|\ ^._.^ /|\
bat soup
Thai - not a tourist promoter
*first & last time
a different visual —
meanwhile in Borodianka, Ukraine - Banksy (modified)
b emoji
ReplyDeleteone of 1389?…