Wednesday, July 10, 2024

SearchResearch Challenge (7/10/24): How can we find the best way to track developments in AI?

 A logical continuation from last week's Challenge... 

Not an actual server farm, but one imagined by Meta's gen-AI.

... is to ask ourselves "How can we best teach ourselves about current developments in AI?"   In other words, how can I be an autodidact about AI, a field that's changing rapidly?  

Assuming you read last week's Answer to the Challenge of How to Find the Best Learning Resources in a Field?  you'll appreciate the distinction here.  That was about how to teach yourself about a field that currently exists and has many resources to search out and use. It was all about how to teach yourself about a deep, quiet pool of knowledge in an area.   

But the current wave of AI developments and research results is pretty staggering.  It's a growing, flowering, burgeoning field... more of a raging torrent of claims, counter-claims, launches, take-downs, and lawsuits.  

How can a person deal with all this?  

You've heard the metaphor:tracking all of the changes in information technology is like "drinking from a fire hose."  That's not bad, but fully charged fire hoses are relatively rare, while it seems that every few months yet another torrent of information springs up, raging down the hillsides and into our lives.  It's not just AI, but also connectomics (how brains are wired), epigenetics (the study of how inheritance happens without DNA), synthetic biology (how to engineer organisms for various purposes), or health data sensors (gadgets to track health data).  Hey, even a field that you THINK would be quiet and placid like archaeology turns out to be pretty active as new imaging systems and sensing technologies hit the field.  We live in a time of rapid development--the science and tech rains deliver a new waterfall of knowledge each week!  

So... this Challenge is really about what you do when you've got to drink from the raging torrent of your latest topic area.  Let's frame this meta-Challenge with respect to AI.  After all, in our SearchResearch land, the developments in AI are rapidly changing things we knew about online research.  

1.  What should I do to stay on top of / learn-about / understand the development happening right now in AI?  Some of the tactics we talked about last week kind-of don't work well (the textbooks haven't been written yet), and even taking a course means re-taking that course a year later when everything changes.  So... what's a SearchResearcher to do?  What advice would you give?  What resources have you found that help answer this Challenge? 

As always... 

Keep Searching!  


  1. I haven't been reading about AI. Mostly because the bad use is more written than the good use.

    However, what I do is searching and following trustable sources and reading the latest news in technology.

    AI field is big and has so many branches. That is why I try to read about just the ones I prefer. For example, reading Dr. Eric Topol. He shares the latest in AI in the field of medicine.

    And of course, read your Blog, Dr. Russell. Just by reading here week by week they will have the latest and they will have The Joy of Search

    1. Thinking about AI made me remember that years ago Dr. Russell mentioned that a photo of him without beard was hidden on the Internet.

      That time I couldn't find it. Now, tried with LLMs. Still nothing found

    2. it was the long hair that threw me… ;^]
      (think Momoa:)
      or -
      no luck either… ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
      the internet ate my homework

    3. ?
      (shallow fake)

    4. was it a mis-memory?… Don Norman?


    6. I don't think it was hard to find a photo. I may be wrong but I suspect that it's available here: - with Dr Russell standing and 3rd from the left.

    7. Well done, Arthur... well done. That is, in fact, me back in 1977, sans beard.

    8. Thanks Arthur! How did you find Dr. Russell's photo?

      Remmij in that Challenge you shared, Dr Russell mentioned about this photo. I don't remember if it was there or I'm the answer.

      I used ctrl-f beard and nothing mentioned. However he mentioned and now we have it!

    9. There's a basic principle I follow when searching for hard to find stuff. I think where it could be held i.e. in what source. That means that instead of searching for the actual item, I search for places that may contain the item. In this case it was relatively easy. I considered that Dr Russel has stated the photo exists - so it must be something from the past. I reasoned that a good place to start would be a graduation photo or year book photo which meant locating where Dr Russell went to school or college and then searching for him on that particular site. Hence the 1977 graduation photo appeared on the University of Rochester website. Searching for an image was less likely to give a result unless it was specifically labelled as such - and so a group photo / year-book type photo was less likely to be found.

    10. Thank you, Arthur. It is a great process that I'm will help many of us from this day. I appreciate you taking time to share us the how. And thanks for sharing the link to the photo too!

    11. Out of topic. However it's very interesting and we have had fruits's Challenges

      Stone fruits and Climacteric (botany) are two new concepts that I learned today.

  2. it did not go well - AI was annoyed…
    this was generated by non-AI Dolt-ness bot
    must acquire an AI assistant

    1. morphing… adapt or perish?

  3. For once, I'm stuck - as I don't know the answer. Not just the best answer - but any satisfactory answer.

    This is something that impacts me as I see that we are at a similar inflection point to the way things were back in 1993-1998 / 1998-2003. Then, the web was just launching and there was a scramble by companies to gain traction. Some were leaders for a short time. Along came Internet Explorer and stole Netscape's crown and for a while IE was king but then lost out to Chrome. In the search arena, there was Lycos, Alta Vista, Northern Light and a few others trying different things to stay on top. In 1998 Google came along and did things differently - and by 2003 it had a 50% share. (Found some of this by Googling :) ).

    So I think the same is happening - with several companies vying to be leader. Currently it's probably OpenAI but whether this will last is hard to know. Perhaps Gemini will win out. Or Anthropic's Claude or Perplexity. All have pros and cons.

    So I try to drink from that fire hose through blogs (AI Secret, There's an AI for That, The Rundown AI and also posts from Perplexity, and others that say what's happening. I file these in a dedicated folder that at some point I can use AI to summarise and draw out the gold. (I haven't yet - but it's an option).

    More importantly when something new grabs my attention I try it out. Whether it's Claude3.5, Llama3, DBRX on HuggingFace, ChatGPT4.5o and so on.

    I'm also considering paying for a subscription but not knowing who will win out I'm in wait and see mode - for the one that does it for me.

  4. when things go wrong at the "farm"… (it's all sorcery)

  5. trouble resolution at the server farm… & looking for AI…
    with pyramids… much ether…
