Saturday, March 15, 2025

The road to 5 million blog views on SearchResearch!

 Without much notice... 

SearchResearch Overview, as imagined by Gemini

... SearchResearch just passed a major milestone.  We are now officially well over 5 million blog views!  (The actual number today is 5.4 million--I somehow missed the last 400,000 views by not paying attention.)

If you remember, back in mid-December 2015, we crossed over 2 million views.  

I started the blog on January 30th, 2010 (the very first post) and we quickly became a community of interested searchers sharing tips about the obvious and the (incredibly) obscure.  (In the Obscure Hall of Fame: How flowers rotate--March 25, 2010; Zouave uniforms in the Civil War--October 27, 2011; too many others to list here.)  

And, as I'd hoped, I rewrote several of my favorite posts into a book, The Joy of Search (now available in paperback).  It was a real joy to see my book in airports: 

At San Francisco airport

It was also wonderful to be able to visit bookstores and find it on the shelves: 

Found in Kramer's book shop in Washington DC

Or even MORE fun, to visit bookstores and libraries (including the Library of Congress) to speak about The Joy of Search.  Every time I spoke I mentioned our SRS blog community and how incredibly wonderful the experience has been.  

The announcement for my book talk at Books Inc. Thanks, folks!  

In a very real sense, congratulations to you all.  Without your devoted readership, 5.4 million views would not have been possible. 

As you know, I'm working on a new book (working title: "Unanticipated Consequences").  If you want to follow along in that work, subscribe to my Unanticipated Consequences substack.  Maybe I'll get the book out this year.  When I do, you'll be the first to hear about it right here in SearchResearch.  

Forward, to 10 million views!   

Hasta Luego from the SearchResearch Rancho where I'm taking the weekend off to celebrate.  (And work on my book...)  

Keep searching.  

Another view of the SRS Rancho as envisioned by Gemini. Imagine I'm relaxing here.


  1. Congratulations and Thank you, Dr. Russell. I have been here since your first MOOC thanks to Ricardo Blanco who gave me a G+ invitation. Fortunately for me, just in time for reading about the upcoming MOOC and the rest as it is said is history.
    Glad to be in the 2 million, 4 million and now almost 6 million views.

    Cheers to you and to Remmij, Fred and all that have been here with you since day 1

  2. Congrat! that is a lot of work over the years! Enjoy the 'Rancho respite'.
    your post came up while I was searching for how the ISS rescue was coming and it made me wonder how AI might view you & your efforts (it does seem to have a thing for lamps...):
    some of its other 'swings':
    and just a joyful guy -
    (of course none of these are rea, all pale imitations - thankfully you are still real!)
    oy -
