Monday, November 30, 2015

Answer (Part 2): How can you search all the coasts?

Still no answer to Part 1... but I DID find the missing blueprints.  

Hint:  I found it by adding in the "context search term" museum.  As in,

[ Devil's Slide museum ] 

Meaning, "find me entities about Devil's Slide in museums."  

This trick worked remarkably well... 

Can you find it? 

Still searching?? 


  1. [little devil's slide blueprints] led here , which led to the below:
    (1st page is worth a look too) extensive pictures & history
    check image '148' missing the whippy-zippy secret stamp of yours

    the "secret" museum approach…
    the military take
    California Military History Online

    (the train is a red herring, just liked the color - it is in CA though…)
    north of the bay - looking toward Devil's Slide, down coast
    NPS SF-88
    urban exploration LA-43/ SF-31

  2. Good Morning and December, Dr. Russell and everyone.

    Great finding. I was on that site and didn't notice the blueprints.

    In order to find them after you asked for, tried with "context search term" museum. That is, thought you meant adding something like that not that [ Devil's Slide museum ] gives the answer. Therefore tried in images:

    [ Devil's Slide museum intext:bunker ]
    [ Devil's Slide bunker intext:blueprints ]

    Those didn't work even with Search Tools. Finally, tried yours in image Search Tools, color black and white.

    Devil's Slide Military Reservation

  3. I just noticed that now when you click on an image in Chrome app, we have the option search by image. I think this is new too. Yesterday, read about bookmark photos with Google app in United States.

    After finding Dr. Russell's question in my previous post, now, I'll try app search by image.
