Wednesday, June 14, 2023

SearchResearch Challenge (6/14/23): How to find the best AI-powered search engine of the moment?

We have to do something differently...

P/C Dall-E. Prompt "clash of the titans - three giant science fiction robots all fighting together with thunder lightning dramatic skies


The world of search is changing dramatically every day.  Bing launches a new thing, then Google Search launches a new thing. New LLM engines seem to be popping up every day.  What is a SearchResearcher to do in a world full of change, claims, counterclaims, and an endlessly shifting searchable ground?  

The good news is that there are LOTS of options for doing SearchResearch.  The bad news is.. there are a LOT of options, and I'm not sure which is best, for what purpose, and how to be effective at the search.

So this week we've got a different kind of Challenge--a kind of meta-search Challenge--a search for the best research tools out there. 

1. How can I find the best AI-powered search tools out there? Is there a way to do this? 

2. What's your favorite AI-powered search engine?  Say why it's your favorite?  

I'm hoping that we'll get enough comments to hear the pros and cons of different tools.  Here's a short list to get you started: 





There are more, and even additional tools that stretch the definition of "search engine," but I'd love to hear from you about what you found and HOW you found it! 

I'll post a couple of short comments this week as I work through things.  I'd love to see what you use in your day-to-day searching, and what's not working for you.   

Keep searching!  



  1. About Q2, my "favorite" is Bard. I really don't use it but it is the only available now for me without signing in or having a trial period.

    I tried Duck Duck Go after reading they had AI but didn't know how.

    Tried others with free trial, but they are now asking to sign in.

    Also liked Neeva. They close a few weeks ago and now I read they are part of Snowflake. I don't know what Snowflake is.

    For me, at least for now, there's no need to use AI. Maybe reading the comments and answers to the Challenge, I find new how to and the answer to why and where

    1. I also liked Neeva and they plan to have NEEVA GIST ON GOOGLE AND APPLE PLAY

    2. Searched [List of AI Search Engines]

      Results show various sites. And also found this: "Google has launched Search Generative Experience." That is AI results on normal Google. Not available in Mexico at the moment. Have any of you tried it already?

    3. Yes, I have Google + Bard access. I'll talk about it when I write up the results next week.

    4. I'm with Ramón on this as I've only tried Bard due to sign in requirements of others. I also have access to Search Generative Experience. It appears that I only have access on my phone and not other devices that I use more regularly to search.

    5. *Correction on my reply above: Just searched [ best ai research tool] in Chrome on my computer and the Generative AI spit out a list.

    6. Fred, I read Google SGE is only available on Google App and Chrome desktop. Only USA and English. Maybe soon you have SGE on other devices

      Today, Mr Henk tweeted:

      "I've handpicked 31 free artificial intelligence chatbots that use a large language model..." Thread

      About the latest Dr. Russell post, I had a "similar ' experience. I was trying to understand why a part of phone camera didn't work. Asked searching and contacted manufacturer. They sent me to call a phone. I didn't like to speak that way. Lots of missing time. Then, checked apps, updated them and made available one that was off. Problem solved in two minutes. Why can't they write that when you ask instead of loosing time with phone calls?

      Another thing it's happening to me is that when searching for something, for some reason I am expecting that after finishing a word the system puts an space between that and the next. But that is not happening. I know it's me but anyone else makes that. That is you want to write let's say [SearchResearch Blog] and instead I end searching [SearchResearchBlog]

  2. Two of my favorites are Andi and You both of which I find user friendly and interact well with the user and provide accurate information is provided. I recently also discovered Waldo and am still exploring it and finding some good and differently organized results

    1. Forgot one resource Best ChatGP alternatives

    2. Nice finds. I'll check out this article.

    3. forgot another perhaps better list of AI search engines

  3. Sal: (courtesy of cmarlowe - A_I video)

  4. Once again I misread the question for number 1. I was searching for [best ai research tools] when the question actually was about [best AI-powered search tools]. So I wondered is there a difference between AI RESEARCH tools and AI SEARCH tools.

    I asked Bard.
    "What would be the difference between searching for the best ai search tool and searching for the best ai research tool?"

    Bard's response was lengthy and included a comparison table of features. Here are some snippets:
    "AI search tools typically use natural language processing (NLP) to understand your search query and return relevant results. They may also use machine learning to improve their results over time."

    "AI research tools typically use NLP, machine learning, and other AI techniques to help you with tasks such as:

    Finding relevant research papers
    Summarizing research papers
    Generating new ideas
    Conducting experiments
    Visualizing data"

    Prior to the results here I had done the same search for [best AI research tools] and the lists I explored tended to gravitate toward those listed for academic and scientific research. One I actually perused with interest was by a librarian for Texas Tech University. It struct me that having a librarian compile a list for patrons is much different than many of the media publishers just making a list for an article deadline. (Seriously Futurepedia, a list of 104+ tools is not helpful at all.)
